Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Busy, busy, busy.

These past few weeks have been full of LGBT-related news, and for the past 5 days, I've been on vacation. Thus, I have a lot to catch up on. I'll take it one post and one day at a time.

These past few weeks (this one past, and perhaps sometime prior), a man has been making sure that any news outlet (or recording device of any kind) records him saying something not only offensive, but downright stupid, or hypocritical. This fine specimen of a political candidate is Carl Paladino. He is what I would call a 'blithering moron'. If you've missed what he's said in the past week or so, let's sum it up, shall we?

- Something along the lines of: 'Gay teachers shouldn't teach, because children will be brainwashed into thinking that homosexuality is a viable option for a happy successful life, although it's not.' (Source.)

- Then, on the 'Today Show', some Pride Parade-bashing, insisting that they are 'disgusting', with men in speedos grinding on each other. (Source.)

First of all, he insists that homosexuality is not a viable option for youth to be exposed to. Realistically, my first issue is that the only things that being a homosexual could hinder you from doing are marrying a woman and having biological children with a women to whom you are married. Everything else happens, regardless of one's sexuality. I can get into university, graduate, get a job, buy/rent somewhere to live and/or a car if I chose, adopt a pet from a shelter, go to the gym, eat healthily, not smoke, not do drugs, not be promiscuous, and live longer than everyone I know, despite being a homosexual. (Full disclosure, I've only done a handful of these things, considering my age, so not all of this is from personal experience. I have not made the choice to eat healthily or go to the gym or live longer than anyone. Yet. I'm waiting until school stops motivating me to stress-eat.)

To me, all of these things that I can do despite my sexual orientation do, in fact, lead to a successful life of comfort and health. (I did not mention anything having a long-time partner or getting married because those things are left more to chance and being someone who can maintain those sorts of relationships in a healthy way, not being hetero- or homosexual.) Thus, being told that there are gay people in the world whould not really 'brainwash' any child into making some sort of reckless decision about his or her entire life, as any child that is smart would know that being LGBT would not affect any of these real choices you make about living a smart, safe, healthy life. If getting married and raising a family are the only ways to have this kind of life, please also being hostile towards single people, unmarried couples, or people with no children, so your discrimination will be less discriminating.

Secondly, the Pride comment. He insisted he once stumbled upon a Pride parade and witness the terrible atrocities that ensued. (Source. I know this is a 'Daily Show' clip, but it's the only one I could find of this particular quote.) Poor guy. He went somewhere in a public space and saw something that is allowed by the local government (according to permits and sanctions), and decided not to leave, but to watch something that he knew he wouldn't like being exposed to (as Pride parades are pretty easily recognized quickly). Let's pity him.

Oh, no. Let's not. Firstly, who says they don't like a parade? What kind of monster doesn't enjoy festivities, lightheartedness, revelry, and fraternity/sorority? I can only think of the Grinch, myself. Secondly, there are many other parades that happen in the course of the year that may not set such great examples for youth. You know about St. Patrick's Day? Or, Mardi Gras? You know, the ones where adults drink way beyond their known personal limits and make horrible choices and sometimes cause property damage and expose themselves to strangers or cameras in exchange for plastic necklaces, if they're lucky? (Note that I have nothing against either of these two events, but just as you can find the scantily-clad, virile young man among activist from your local LGBT Community Center at Pride, you can also find sloshed, irresponsible adults among musicians, dancers, or costumed performers at either of these other two events.) Thirdly, and most importantly, it was reported today that Paladino rented spaces to gay bars in buildings he owned in Buffalo, NY. Additionally, his son ran one of them.

In summary, Paladino has a problem with stumbling upon a Pride parade, or hearing that someone else went to one with their family, but does not, on the other hand, have a problem with making a profit from the very same acts being committed in a space he owns.

This man is walking hypocrisy. He stated that he sees the discrimination that LGBT people face as a "very ugly experience" (AP article), but then says that he opposed same-sex marriage, but that he will appoint gay people to his administration. And, lest we forget, he thinks gay people celebrating Pride is disgusting, but then makes a profit off of the rent he charges to a business that caters to gay people who'd like to drink and/or dance. Twice.

These are not the kinds of people anyone should ever vote into office. Ever. People who so clearly say one thing and do another (to their financial profit, and at the social expense of another), and who make the half-witted, half-hearted attempts to appease LGBT people in the meantime are clearly not to be trusted, not only by LGBT voters, but all voters.

But, with this man's track-record, I can see how he'll continue to prove this to his constituency on his own, long before November.

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